The Board of Directors has identified CCEM’s objectives as follows:

Goal #1 - CCEM must Provide and Maintain Effective Leadership. 

Currently a nominating committee of three members is appointed by the president to elect the leadership for the upcoming year. The committees’ charge is to present a ballot of nomination for officers and directors to the members at the annual meeting. Other nominations may be made from the floor by any active member in good standing. The officers and members of the Board of Directors are elected by the membership at the annual meeting. 

Strategy #1 – Existing board members shall actively participate in the development and recruitment of potential board members and will mentor those showing an interest in leadership opportunities. 

Strategy #2 – Visit strategic plan throughout the year with the board of directors to enhance plan buy-in.

Strategy #3– Encourage members to participate in professional development opportunities and ensure opportunities are made known to members as far ahead of time as possible for budgeting and scheduling purposes. 

Strategy #4 – Develop board orientation and training package for all board members and review each year. 

Goal #2 - Broaden Communication

Communications are currently handled by way of Missouri Chamber web-site, newsletter, Yahoo group, face to face meetings and statewide meetings. Plans to broaden necessary communications efforts shall be met with the following strategies: 

Strategy #1 – Survey members on communication preferences. 

Strategy #2 – Form a communications task force to analyze survey input. Task force will look at use of:

  • Website to publish news, events etc
  • Begin a chamber bulletin board/blog
  • Investigate all the opportunities offered by Yahoo groups
  • Updating our portion of the Missouri Chamber web-site or creating an independent CCEM web-site
  • Addition of educational tools to selected web media
  • Possibility of posting chamber news/kudos/tooting each others horn/news and improved member materials/listing of standing committees and any other communications improvements or enhancements to our website.

Strategy #3 – Educate members on utilizing conference calls and instant messaging web cam capabilities to provide for less travel in districts spread across large geographic areas. 

Strategy #4 – Encourage district input into the newsletter and consider other newsletter enhancements to benefit members.

Goal #3 – Increase Member Participation in CCEM

Currently membership in CCEM is excellent considering the number of chambers represented throughout the state. Increasing member participation in programs and services offered by CCEM will strengthen the organization and assist in identifying future leaders. In addition, increased member participation will offer more creative ideas on enhancing member benefits and educational opportunities.

Strategy #1 – Encourage creative uses of districts for educational and mentoring purposes. 

Strategy #2 – Personally ask members to become more involved. Invite like organizations to become members as stated in our mission. Stress the benefit of staff membership and utilize portions of conferences for staff development. 

Strategy #3 – Utilize the expertise of a broader range of members as presenters and speakers at conferences.

Goal #4 – Provide Relevant Member Service

Benefits provided by offering relevant member services will assist in retaining members and will demonstrate value to potential members. CCEM currently offers many benefits to its membership as communicated at each statewide conference and through other communications tools.​

Strategy #1 – Create a sample resource file to be used by members as templates in their individual chambers including; job descriptions, member benefits, bylaws, board orientation etc.

Strategy #2 – Formation of ad-hoc committee to develop marketing piece demonstrating the benefits of membership in the organization. The committee shall prepare a survey requesting information from members regarding what additional services are needed. Recommendations shall be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration.

Strategy #3 – Prepare a structured new member mentoring program.

Strategy #4 – Continue surveying attendees concerning speakers, roundtable discussions and breakout sessions and their value after each conference.

Goal #5 – Maintain a Mutually Productive Relationship with the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The strategic partnership between CCEM and the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry consists of assistance provided to CCEM including administration, organizational support and management.

Strategy #1 – Develop a written contract that will be reviewed every two years between said parties; CCEM and the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry for services and affiliation.

Strategy #2 – Reciprocate value of both organizations to respective members and Boards of Directors.

Strategies #3 – Positively correspond with the Missouri Chamber of Commerce for services provided to CCEM.

Goal #6 – Increase Membership

The categories of CCEM membership include active members (include chambers of commerce); advisory members, associate members, and honorary members. CCEM membership totals 160 and includes all categories of membership

Strategy #1 – Encourage CCEM members to contact those neighboring non-member chambers for membership.

Strategy #2 – Explore the restructuring of the membership dues schedule to promote additional memberships i.e. staff and research the possibility of offering a small discount to recruiting additional staff members to join.

Strategy #3– Enhance membership materials and provide the ability to join CCEM online.

Goal #7 – Enhance Financial Viability

The CCEM budget primarily reflects the programs offered through CCEM and costs associated with those services. In addition, the budget includes membership dues collected to date, cost of administrative services and awards.

Strategy #1 – Research and revise the investment and sponsorship packages for the conference vendors.

Strategy #2 – Review membership dues on an annual basis keeping in mind of membership composition and size.

Strategy #3 – Evaluate conference fees annually to cover the costs of continuing to offer leading-edge professional development.

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